Services and Tools
Services and Tools
We leverage the power of many different services and tools to design scalable and sustainable software and build a strong architecture. In many popular service integrations, our expert team determines and integrates the appropriate services in line with the scope and needs of the projects.

Pusher is a solution that facilitates it to add real-time data and functionality to web and mobile applications. It helps build powerful real-time features at scale, from chat applications and polls to live sports commentary and mapped locations.

Imageus is an image processing service that enables applications on all platforms, such as websites, mobile applications, etc. to perform within minutes. It saves on all conversion and manipulation operations in projects, creates 68% smaller images and makes websites SEO-perfect.

Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean is a cloud hosting verifier that distributes applications running in parallel across multiple cloud servers, enabling them to scale without sacrificing performance. It is a performance and effective solution for deploying and managing scalable web applications.

Amazon AWS
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides computing power, database storage, content distribution, etc., that enable projects to scale and grow. It is a secure cloud service platform that provides services. It is used to host dynamic websites and run applications on cloud servers. It provides scalable and high-performance services.

Microsoft Azure
Azure is scalable cloud service that help organizations store and manage their data, build web applications, and improve cyber security and compliance practices. With Azure, users can scale their infrastructure to their needs and build hybrid computing environments.

Google Cloud
Google Cloud helps maximize insights from data through machine learning and advanced analysis capabilities. The serverless data analysis and machine learning platform helps automate processes, make intelligent predictions and streamline operations.

Cloudinary is an image and video management solution that provides end-to-end services such as storage and optimization for images and videos on websites and mobile applications. It helps to easily upload images and videos to the cloud and automate their manipulation without the need for any other software.

Linode is cloud hosting and server management software that helps businesses manage their cloud computing infrastructure and virtual private servers on a unified platform. It allows users to expand their server storage capacity with optional units.
Agora is the platform that helps provide in-app experiences such as voice and video chat, real-time recording, interactive live streaming and real-time messaging. It provides integration through its API and SDKs.

Mediasoup is a WebRTC solution for video conferencing and large-scale live streams (such as digital conferences or large group video chats). It is a Node.js based WebRTC SFU that enables presentations such as video conferencing, live broadcasting (both one-on-one and one-to-many), etc. thanks to its APIs.

Hangfire, an open source business planning framework, is an open source library for scheduling recurring tasks in web applications, such as sending newsletters to subscribers on a weekly or monthly basis, or sending reminder notifications to users.

Mailgun is a transactional email service for sending, receiving and tracking email. Its APIs can be used to send transactional emails, monitor their performance and optimize emails to achieve higher engagement rates.

Seq is an intelligent search, analysis and alert server built specifically for structured data log. It allows to monitor error rates and delays and visualizes business performance using structured data from events in the application log.
Sentry is performance monitoring software that helps developers diagnose, fix and optimize the performance of code. It helps to monitor and prevent errors that may occur in manufacturing process due to security errors, invalid data, etc. and improve the customer experience in real time.

Cloudflare is an integrated security and performance suite for web-based applications. Enhances security by scanning requests for web applications, looking for malicious content that sees suspicious IP addresses, requested resource types, request payload, frequency, and defined rules.

Mapbox is a location data platform that powers maps and location services used in applications. The API provides tools for developers to create mapping, navigation, and search experiences across platforms through the SDK and live update map data.

Paraşüt, which contains many services that support the more efficient management of businesses such as e-invoice, online collection and income and expense tracking, allows the automation and management of accounting, customer management and financial processes of software, thanks to the integration opportunities it offers.

Lottie animations are fun and effective tools used in applications to attract users and increase conversions. LottieFiles provides all the tools needed to create, edit, test and view Lottie animations.

TensorFlow is a free and open source software library for machine learning. It is mainly used for deep learning or machine learning problems such as Classification, Detection, Comprehension, Discovery, Prediction and Generating.